We offer Geotechnical Site Investigations to support developers undertaking all types and scales of development throughout the UK. We have extensive experience and strive to ensure that our services offer the best value on the market. Call us on 0800 470 3410 to discuss requirements or your click HERE to request a quote.
A geotechnical site investigation may be required for a variety of reasons including:
- Geotechnical foundation design – in order to obtain information about soil consistency and structure for foundation or retaining wall design or to asssess the subgrade strength of roads and pavements;
- To assess hydrogeological conditions at a site – as part of a Basement Impact Assessment or for the design of infiltration drainage (SuDS).
We are able to undertake site investigations to obtain the required information using a variety of methods depending on access restrictions, ground conditions at the site. These include (click on link to find out more):
- Trial Pitting – involves either manual or mechnical excavation of a hole in order to take samples and inspect the soil profile or the nature of existing foundations.
- Hand Augering – Hand augering can generally be undertaken to depths of 3 – 5mbgl in Clays but this will be dependent on the local geology. Hand augering is generally unsuitable for Sand and/or Gravels.
- Hand-held Window Sampling – The sample tubes are driven into the ground using a hydraulic hammer and are then retrieved with the use of a compact hydraulic jack which takes its power from the same hydraulic pack used to power the hammer.
- Dynamic Windowless Sampling – allows for the undertaking of in-situ SPT testing, disturbed and undisturbed (U4) soil sampling in various soil types. Used when soil samples and inspection of the soil profile and strength is required to depths of up to 10 – 12m. Ideal for sites where access is restricted or difficult.
- Cable Percussion Drilling – allows for the undertaking of in-situ SPT testing, disturbed and undisturbed (U4) soil sampling in various soil types. Ideal where deep boreholes (i.e. up to 15-30m) and soil samples are required and site access conditions are good.
- Rotary Drilling – allows for the undertaking of in-situ SPT testing, disturbed and undisturbed (U4) soil sampling in various soil types. Typically used where drilling through rock (i.e. Chalk, Mudstone etc) or very difficult strata is anticipated.
- CBR and Plate Testing – used to evaluate the bearing capacity of subgrade for roads and pavements.
We endeavour to ensure that all our site investigations are carried out in strict accordance with the following recognised guidance and that our reports provide clear recommendations understandable to a lay person:
- BS 5930:2015 Code of practice for ground investigations – British Standard Institution
- CLR 11: Model procedures for the management of land contamination – DEFRA & Environment Agency
- BS 10175 – Code of practice for the Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites – British Standard Institution
- BS 8485: 2015 – Code of Practice for the Characterisation and Remediation from Ground Gas in Affected Developments. British Standard Institution
- BS8576:2013, Guidance on Investigations for Ground Gas – Permanent Gases and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- C665, 2007 – Assessing Risks posed by Hazardous Ground Gases to Buildings CIRIA.
Call us on 0800 470 3410 to discuss requirements or your click HERE to request a quote.
TIP: We can undertake your Geotechnical Investigation together with an ENVIRONMENTAL SITE INVESTIGATION (if required) giving you average savings of 25% on total costs.