Phone : 0800 470 3410
Recommend creating a new permit (as you do in real life)
It’s another option to generate multiple inspections, as you do in the Risk Assessment tab.
Put your cursor in the CO field and enter the initials of the new CO or press Alt+L.
The Audit logger in GeoEnviron keeps a record of all SQL transactions undertaken in the database.
Log into GeoEnviron as a user with system admin permissions. You can use the import account if in doubt.
Navigate to the Case Officer Base Table via the main menu (Base Tables > Common Base Tables > Main) and select the "Other" followed by the "Case Officer" tabs.
Find the relevant Case Officer and fill out the "Alias" field in the Case Officer basetable so that the system knows who he is.
On the top left of the program title bar you will see the alias that the system allocates to the user . This needs to be entered into the "Alias" field as shown below. It would be a good idea to also do this for all the other case officers. Once you have done this you should tick the "Sys.mgr" checkbox and click update. The user will now be able to reopen cases.
When you do a mail merge in GeoEnviron, the system creates a DAT file which contains the information to be merged into the Word document. The DAT file is saved in same location as the merged documents with the name of the user that created it (i.e. dbo.DAT) The problem may be that you are not being allowed to overwrite the DAT file.
When the new website was launched in September 2016, all the online help files were moved to a new server. Therefore your links to the online help in GeoEnviron will need to be updated. Follow the instructions below in order to do this.
This is to do with registry settings. to fix follow steps below (you will need admin permissions:
You can find out the name of a field by right clicking in it and selecting "Properties" from the context menu. The "Column Name" tells you the name of the table and the name of the column you have clicked in.
The extension is trying to access the GeoDatabase and is unable to.
Nothing happens when you try to retrieve a record in GeoEnviron using the GeoEnviron Lookup (Retrieve) tool in the GIS (i.e. MapEagle, ArcMap). The issue is likely to do with one of the GIS protocols (geoenvir_url.exe) not being registered correctly. Follow the steps below to resolve this.
Check the following on setting on the database:
First you have to add the tables you are interested in to the project. You can do this via the Layer > Add Layer > Add MSSQL Spatial Layer. Click the Connect button if you already have a connection set up. If not set up a connection to the GeoEnviron database. Next tick the “Also list tables with no geometry” checkbox and under the “dbo” dropdown you should see a list of all the tables displayed. You can then select the table to add to the project either by double clicking on it or selecting it and clicking the Add button. Once the table has been added to the project, you can join to it in the same way as has been done for the site table. You can find out the name of the relevant table in GeoEnviron by right clicking in one of the fields within the relevant tab (i.e. Case Details) and selecting the Properties option on the dropdown list. This should display a Column Properties dialog . The Column Name field contains the table name and the field name.
The template is linked when you run the report. After it has done the buffer selections it brings up a dialog which allows you to browse to the location of the template and then it remembers the location thereafter. In order to invoke this functionality you just need to ensure the "Use Word Template" checkbox is ticked in the Data Output Settings dialog which is accessible via a right click on the map.
This usually occurs if you save an existing geoset which contains GeoEnviron layers under another name but choose not to copy the settings from the previous geoset into the new one. It can also occur if you load GeoEnviron layers that you created previously in another Geoset to a new geoset. Essentially you need to register meta data information about the layer (i.e. which module it is linked to, the SQL to be used for updating feature attributes, which mapsheet the coordinates are saved under etc) for each project. You can do this under the menu ”External Data>GeoEnviron>Register Layer”.
You can set up a new project by saving (Use the Save As option)the geoset under a different name. This will give you a new blank template. When saving you will be asked if you want to copy the settings from the previous geoset so you do not have to start setting up the template from scratch.
Set up your buffers as normal but do not select any buffers for layers where you are only interested in reporting on on-site features.
NB. The project that you are importing the settings to needs to have the same name as the project that you exported the settings from.
It is a good idea to back up your settings for your projects just in case the unforseen happens. Again you may wish to transfer or copy the settings from one PC to another. See the attached video to find out how.